1. What is the result of the formula =RIGHT("Hello World", 3)?
A) "Hel"
B) "rld"
C) "Hello World"
Answer: B) "rld"
2. What is the result of the formula =NOW()-TODAY()?
A) Current time
B) Current date
C) Current date and time
Answer: A) Current time
3. What is the result of the formula =MONTH(TODAY())+1?
A) Next month as a number
B) Current month as a number
C) Current date
Answer: A) Next month as a number
4. What is the result of the formula =CONCATENATE("Hello", " ", "World", "!")?
A) "Hello World!"
B) "HelloWorld!"
C) "Hello World! "
Answer: A) "Hello World!"
5. What is the result of the formula =ROMAN(500)?
A) D
B) 500
C) Roman numeral for 500
Answer: A) D
6. What is the result of the formula =LEFT("Hello World", 2)?
A) "He"
B) "World"
C) "Hello World"
Answer: A) "He"
7. What is the result of the formula =RIGHT("Hello World", 2)?
A) "He"
B) "ld"
C) "Hello World"
Answer: B) "ld"
8. What is the result of the formula =NOW()+1?
A) Tomorrow's date and time
B) Current date and time
C) Current date
Answer: A) Tomorrow's date and time
9. What is the result of the formula =MONTH(TODAY())-1?
A) Previous month as a number
B) Current month as a number
C) Current date
Answer: A) Previous month as a number
10. What is the result of the formula =CONCATENATE("Hello", " ", "World", "!", " ")?
A) "Hello World! "
B) "HelloWorld!"
C) "Hello World!"
Answer: A) "Hello World! "
11. What is the result of the formula =MID("Hello World", 7, 5)?
A) "World"
B) "Hello"
C) "Worl"
D) "Worlds"
Answer: C) "Worl"
12. What is the result of the formula =SQRT(16)?
A) 4
B) 16
C) 8
D) 2
Answer: A) 4
13. What is the result of the formula =POWER(2, 3)?
A) 6
B) 8
C) 4
D) 2
Answer: B) 8
14. What is the result of the formula =TRANSPOSE({1, 2, 3})?
A) {1, 2, 3}
B) {1; 2; 3}
C) {3, 2, 1}
Answer: B) {1; 2; 3}
15. What is the result of the formula =RAND()?
A) A fixed random number
B) A random number between 0 and 1
C) A random number between 1 and 100
Answer: B) A random number between 0 and 1
16. What is the result of the formula =MID("Hello World", 1, 5)?
A) "Hello"
B) "World"
C) "Hello World"
D) "HeLlo"
Answer: A) "Hello"
17. What is the result of the formula =SQRT(25)?
A) 5
B) 25
C) 10
D) 2
Answer: A) 5
17. What is the result of the formula =POWER(3, 2)?
A) 6
B) 9
C) 4
D) 2
Answer: B) 9
18. What is the result of the formula =TRANSPOSE({1, 2, 3, 4})?
A) {1, 2, 3, 4}
B) {1; 2; 3; 4}
C) {4, 3, 2, 1}
Answer: B) {1; 2; 3; 4}
19. What is the result of the formula =RAND()*100?
A) A random number between 0 and 1
B) A random number between 1 and 100
C) A fixed random number
Answer: B) A random number between 1 and 100
20. What is the result of the formula =MID("Hello World", 6, 5)?
A) "World"
B) "Hello"
C) "Worl"
D) "Worlds"
Answer: C) "Worl"
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Ms Excel Formulas MCQs Questions And Answers ll Part 1
21. What is the result of the formula =SQRT(36)?
A) 6
B) 36
C) 12
D) 2
Answer: A) 6
22. What is the result of the formula =POWER(4, 2)?
A) 8
B) 16
C) 4
D) 2
Answer: B) 16
23. What is the result of the formula =TRANSPOSE({1, 2, 3, 4, 5})?
A) {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
B) {1; 2; 3; 4; 5}
C) {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}
Answer: B) {1; 2; 3; 4; 5}
24. What is the result of the formula =RAND()*1000?
A) A random number between 0 and 0.9
B) A random number between 1 and 100
C) A random number between 1 and 1000
Answer: C) A random number between 0 and 0.9
25. What is the result of the formula =MID("Hello World", 1, 10)?
A) "Hello World"
B) "Hello"
C) "World"
D) "Hello Worl"
Answer: A) "Hello World"
26. What is the result of the formula =SQRT(49)?
A) 7
B) 49
C) 14
D) 2
Answer: A) 7
27. What is the result of the formula =POWER(5, 2)?
A) 10
B) 25
C) 5
D) 2
28. What is the result of the formula =PMT(0.06, 60, 100000)?
A) 1937.86
B) 1938.86
C) 1939.86
D) 1940.86
Answer: A) 1937.86
29. What is the result of the formula =PPMT(0.06, 60, 100000, 1)?
A) 1616.67
B) 1617.67
C) 1618.67
D) 1619.67
Answer: A) 1616.67
30. What is the result of the formula =IPMT(0.06, 60, 100000, 1)?
A) 32 19
B) 322.19
C) 323.19
D) 324.19
Answer: A) 32 19
31. What is the result of the formula =DAY("2022-01-01")?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Answer: A) 1
32. What is the result of the formula =MONTH("2022-01-01")?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Answer: A) 1
33. What is the result of the formula =YEAR("2022-01-01")?
A) 2021
B) 2022
C) 2023
D) 2024
Answer: B) 2022
34. What is the result of the formula =DATE360("2022-01-01", "2022-01-31")?
A) 30
B) 31
C) 32
D) 33
Answer: A) 30
35. What is the result of the formula =DATE(2022, 1, 1)?
A) "2022-01-01"
B) "2022-01-02"
C) "2022-01-03"
D) "2022-01-04"
Answer: A) "2022-01-01"
36. What is the result of the formula =ROUND(12.345, 2)?
A) 12.34
B) 12.35
C) 12.36
D) 12.37
Answer: A) 12.34
37. What is the result of the formula =ROUNDUP(12.345, 2)?
A) 12.34
B) 12.35
C) 12.36
D) 12.37
Answer: B) 12.35
38. What is the result of the formula =ROUNDDOWN(12.345, 2)?
A) 12.34
B) 12.35
C) 12.36
D) 12.37
Answer: A) 12.34
39. What is the result of the formula =PMT(0.06, 60, 50000)?
A) 965.55
B) 966.55
C) 967.55
D) 968.55
Answer: A) 965.55
40. What is the result of the formula =PPMT(0.06, 60, 50000, 1)?
A) 806.67
B) 807.67
C) 808.67
D) 809.67
Answer: A) 806.67
41. What is the result of the formula =IPMT(0.06, 60, 50000, 1)?
A) 158.88
B) 159.88
C) 160.88
D)16 88
Answer: A) 158.88
42. What is the result of the formula =DAY("2022-02-28")?
A) 28
B) 29
C) 30
D) 31
Answer: A) 28
43. What is the result of the formula =MONTH("2022-02-28")?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4
Answer: B) 2
44. What is the result of the formula =YEAR("2022-02-28")?
A) 2021
B) 2022
C) 2023
D) 2024
Answer: B) 2022
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