Test your knowledge of Microsoft Word with our 20 essential MCQs! This quiz covers a range of topics, including document creation, formatting, and editing.
Challenge yourself and assess your skills with our multiple-choice questions. Perfect for students, professionals, and anyone looking to improve their MS Word skills.
1. ________ are system software to
facilitate editing of text and data.
a. Ms Word
b. Editors
c. Power Point
d. Ms publisher
2. What is the maximum font size you
can apply for any character in Ms Word?
a. 160 pt
b. 163 pt
c. 1638 pt
d. 16038 pt
3. Which file is responsible to start Ms
a. Win.exe
b. Word. exe
c. winword.exe
d. None
4. How to remove all character formats in
Ms Word?
a. Shift + Spacebar
b. Shift + Enter
c. Ctrl + Spacebar
d. Ctrl + Enter
5. Which feature starts a new line
whenever a word or sentence reached a
a. Text Line
b. New Line
c. Text Wrapping
d. Text Align
6. Who is the father of Ms Word?
a. Martin Cooper
b. Denis RIche
c. Charles Simonyi and Richard Dordie
d. Bill Gates
7. What is a shortcut key of “ Change the
font “ in Ms Word?
a. Ctrl + Shift + F
b. Alt + Shift + F
c. Alt + F
d. N0ne 0f these
8. What is the smallest and largest font
size available in font size tool on
formatting toolbar?
a. 6 and 72
b. 6 and 68
c. 8 and 72
d. 7 and 72
9. Which of the following can be used to
navigate documents?
a. Frames
b. Hyperlinks
c. Web toolbar
d. All of the above
10. Which operation you will perform if
you need to move a block of text?
a. Copy and paste
b. Paste and cut
c. Cut and Paste
d. Paste and Delete
11. Ctrl + Z Shortcut is used in Microsoft
Word to ----------------?
a. Undo the last Action
b. Redo the last Action
c. Add the new page
d. Paste the contents from clipboard
12. Ctrl + Y Shortcut is used in Microsoft
Word to ----------------?
a. Undo the last Action
b. Redo the last Action
c. Add the new page
d. Paste the contents from clipboard
13. Ctrl + W Shortcut is used in Ms word
to ---------?
a. Save and Print the Document
b. Save and Close Word Application
c. Save and Close document
d. Without Save , Close Document
14. CTrl + V Shortcut is used In
Microsoft Word to --------?
a. Paste Texts in the beginning of
b. Paste Images in the beginning of
c. Paste Tables at the middle of
d. None of above
15. What is the function of Ctrl + N in
Microsoft Word?
a. Save Document
b. Open Document
c. New Document
d. Close Document
16. Ctrl + F Shortcut key is used in Ms
Word to —-----------?
a. Open Find and Replace Dialog box
with activating Find tab
b. Open page setup dialog box with
activating Find tab
c. Open Font dialog box with activating
font tab
d. Open File save as dialog box
17. Which shortcut key is used to switch
from one Ms WOrd document to another
Ms Word document?
a. Ctrl + Shift + F6
b. Ctrl + Shift + F4
c. Ctrl + Shift + F2
d. None of these
18. Ctrl + F Shortcut key is used in Ms
Word to —-----------?
a. Open Find and Replace dialog box
with activating Replace Tab
b. OPen Format dialog box activating
insert HyperLink tab
c. Open insert dialog box activating
Insert Hyperlink tab
d. Open insert HyperLink dialog box
19. Default name of a newly created Ms
word File is ________?
a. File 1
b. Document 1
c. Untitled 1
d. None of these
20. Microsoft word is _______ Software?
a. Application
b. Compiler
c. System
d. Programming